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운영중인 공식 누리집보기
are hung the moon and stars emitting mystic energy
Lonely wind wanders through the cold air…
This piece is the second of a through-composed series themed after Vincent van Gogh's “La nuit étoilée”. It consists of five movements, each of which is inspired by different motifs from van Gogh's painting. The elements of the five movements are interconnected to portray the painting in combination.
Ⅰ. Vents solitaires (Solitude Winds)
Ⅱ. Forêt sombre (Dark Forest)
Ⅲ. Étoiles mystiques (Mystique Stars)
Ⅳ. Claire de lune (Moonlight)
Ⅴ. La nuit étoilée (The Starry Night)