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운영중인 공식 누리집보기
(들판 가득 무성한 풀, 풀잎 위에 은구슬 달려 있네. 아리따운 소녀 있어, 청아한 자태를 드러내니. 우연히 마주친 그녀와의 만남, 그리도 고대하던 바라네.)”
(Grasses overgrown across the field / Silver beads are formed on each grass / A beautiful girl / Reveals her pure look / An accidental encounter with her / has long been coveted)
An encounter with a much sought-after girl is represented by the harmony of cello and haegeum, which symbolizes the mingling of Asian and Western instruments. Different textures and depths of emotions stirred up from the encounter are vividly portrayed by the conversation between cello and haegeum.