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II. Red Note
III. Yellow, Blue, and Golden Notes
The Golden Notebook is a 2007 Nobel Prize-winning novel written by Doris Lessing (1919-present). This novel portrays the lives of two women through the five notes of Black Note (years in Africa); Red Note (experience as members of the Communist Party); and Yellow Note (romantic relationships), Blue Note (diary), and Golden Note (space of reconciliation). The Swedish Academy stated that The Golden Notebook is a valuable literary work that highlights the feminist movement and the relationship between men and women from a trailblazing perspective.
This piece consists of the three movements of I. Black Note, II. Red Note, and III. Yellow, Blue, and Golden Notes.
"We differ in thought.
We differ in form.
But we are all...
Composer Lee Jong-hee strives to communicate the above idea and build a world of co-prosperity based on reconciliation and understanding.