"시간의 흐름 속으로“는 음악에 있어서 리듬과 시간, 수에 대한 관심을 반영한 작품이다.
흔히 세상에는 다양한 종류의 시간-일상생활의 경험들과 관계된 심리학적인 시간, 시계와 같은 도구로 측정되는 시간, 음악적 시간 등-이 존재한다. 이 작품은 루바토, 타임모듈레이션, 피보나치음열, 서로 다른 리듬층, 기계적으로 정확한 박의 구현 등 여러 형태의 시간들을 수직적, 수평적으로 펼쳐보이고 있다.
“Into the flow of time” for Clarinet and Viola was performed at Seoul-N.Y. exchange concert of PAN Music Festival in 2001.
The piece may be considered to be an extension of my interest on rhythm, number and time. People say that there are various kinds of times in the world: psychological time which is relative to the experience of everyday life, the measured time by mathematical means such as clocks, musical time, etc. In the piece, I try to create the different sense of times vertically and horizontally. I arranged these different kinds of times in a row and each section explores them. Section A and E are sorts of rubato sections.
Section A takes on the character of introduction in that it implies time modulation and short fragments. Section E is consisted of fairly free and linear phrases which requires long breaths, whereas section A fairly keeps the tempo. In section B with no bar line, I tried to express a sense of free time. Section C shows various rhythmic aspects; the speed of each phrase is thoroughly calculated by time
modulation : in each phrase viola and clarinet begin on the same rhythmic division and then shows on the different rhythmic division, finally forming differentiated rhythmic strata: I employed Fibonacci series on duration of clarinet.
Section D, which is energetic and constantly changed meters, continues tension created in section C. It may represent measured time.