The following is La's own comments on his work. "A few months ago, I had a chance to attend a special lecture by professor Yong-jong Son of the Departmnet of Astronomy at Yonsei University. It was a very inspiring experience for me, which led me to begin to work on this work. A star is once born and, dies within our mysterious and mighty galaxy. The star moves in a very subtle way, and in other times, in a large one, with its sound from a quiet, whispering conversation to a vociferous, conflicting sound, then, leads a star to death, thereby eventually completing its life. This phenomenon appears to correspond with one found in the circulatory system of the Book of Changes.
In this work, parameters of sound created by a modification of the twelve tone system, employ sound texture and color to which a new note is added. Sometimes a parameter of sound appears to be a separate dot. In this way, mutually interacting notes create a balanced pattern.
(Composition Works by In-Yong La-The Day of Judgement(CD), 2011)