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운영중인 공식 누리집보기
It can be said that this piece has two major musical traits; one of which is the part that includes busy movement at a very soft dynamic. Here, ornaments that do not require exact rhythm are densely filled in a complex manner. However, most of the units are one beat each, forming an inner sense of pulse.
The other part is the one that contains a subdued cello melody. This part is lengthwise not significant considering the length of the whole piece, but because of the relatively clearly recognizable traits of upward movement and the existence of melody, this part is a stark contrast from the previous part.
The piece was originally written for viola and piano in 2014, but it has been rewritten for cello and piano.
Being unable to hear, although it is sounded, and being unable to discern, although it is heard it is an expression of such a state of inner being.