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운영중인 공식 누리집보기
I believe that man is born with the ability to perceive the word of God an harmonize the world of God with the world of man. But, through his ignorance and inertness, he loses this innate perception and experiences a tragic downfall to present reality. Man, however, constantly strives to regain his lost vision and longs to experiences once again his primordial existence in which the words ot the sacred and the profane are in harmony. In my work, I endeavored to express this process of man's striving to regain his original perception of the word of the God.
In the work, I tried to represent the prefane world of man through the natural overtones do C notes played by contrabass and juxtapose them with contrasting notes played vy string and winds instrument which represent the world of God. These two contrasting strings are followed by Ab notes of contrabass which represent man's desire to regain his original perception. As a result of his effort, man once again experiences the ecstasy of understanding the meaning of the word of God. This ecstasy is actually achieved through the performance of shaman ritual.
The work expresses the complete cycle:from man's original existence as a whole being able to perceive the word of God. to his loss of this perception which results in his tragid temporal existence, through his struggle to regain his original power, and finally to his joy at regaining his innate perception.
A Muddang is a Korean shaman.